Watch This Now: Westworld

This weekend, we powered through 3 episodes of HBO’s new series, Westworld. I loved it, and am excited for tonight’s fourth episode. I don’t usually like Westerns (except No Country for Old Men), but this one has a healthy dose of Sci Fi and dystopia. I’ve also seen it compared to Lost, a “mystery box”…

Pantry Moth Intruders

The other night, as Z sat unsuspectingly on the couch, enjoying a quiet night in, I discovered an intruder in our kitchen cupboard. A sole dreaded pantry moth. Bain of my mother’s existence, and of bags of starchy foodstuffs everywhere. “Oh God, Honey!” I cried. “We have one – we have a moth!” “What?” he…

Feeling Listless

I know what you’re thinking: you’ve missed me, oh God, how you’ve missed me. I have days where I have so much to say, but I haven’t had one of those in a while. I can’t tell if I’m through with talking, or just have a case of the ennui. There was a time when that…

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